ProAxsis specialises in the development and commercialisation of in vitro diagnostic laboratory assays and point–of–care tests designed to measure active protease biomarkers of disease.





4 Products

CE Mark

ProAxsis has utilised its proprietary ProteaseTag technology to develop and commercialise our first lateral flow device (NEATstik), thereby enabling rapid point–of–care measurement of active neutrophil elastase, a proven biomarker of lung infection and inflammation. 

The exciting potential of NEATstik was recently highlighted in a European Respiratory Journal publication (Shoemark et al, 2019). The company is actively seeking commercialisation partners for the product.

ProAxsis has registered CE Marks for laboratory–based immunoassays, designed to specifically measure the active form of neutrophil elastase and proteinase 3 (as biomarkers in diseases such as COPD, bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis and alpha–1 anti–trypsin deficiency) and plasmin (as a measure of fibrosis).

The company additionally offers a range of sample analysis and R&D services at its purpose–built laboratory in Northern Ireland, and is currently supporting a number of clinical trial programmes for small and large pharmaceutical companies.

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