Examen Ltd

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In vitro diagnostics company specialising in male infertility and miscarriage testing.

Examen is a diagnostics company. Our mission is to transform the diagnosis and treatment of male reproductive problems. 

Examen was set up in response to public demand for our market–leading sperm DNA fragmentation test, the SpermComet®. SpermComet® was developed following more than twenty years of research into better tests for male infertility and treatment. Now we can provide accurate information for male fertility diagnosis and better prediction of fertility treatment success. The founder of Examen is internationally acclaimed academic in male fertility; Professor Sheena Lewis FRSB.

Key Facts

  • We provide a unique, accurate molecular test that checks out the quality of sperm DNA.
  • High sperm DNA damage causes male infertility
  • High sperm DNA damage leads to poor fertility treatment success
  • High sperm DNA damage causes miscarriage
  • Having the test gives couples new options and saves them time, money and heartbreak
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